Simple yet satisfying meals that suit busy schedules and please the whole family don’t have to be challenging. Whether you’re running late or simply want to spend more time with your loved ones, there are plenty of reasons to get dinner on the table as quickly as possible. 

With a little help from Olivieri®, preparing dishes that make Nonna proud and keep the kids happy is a cinch. As long as you have versatile kitchen staples, like fresh sauces, pasta, and gnocchi, you’re ready for whatever life throws at you.

Before jumping into quick and easy recipes, we’ve compiled a handy guide that will make mealtime easier just as long as you have a few staples on hand. 

Essential Kitchen Staples 

Keep your fridge and pantry stocked with versatile ingredients so you have plenty of possibilities when you’re short on time.


Sauces: While vinaigrettes may be easy to make at the drop of a hat, be sure to keep a few of your favourite Olivieri Fresh Sauces  in the fridge as they can be used as both spreads and rich sauces. And once you learn the Best Sauces-to Pair with Gnocchi, elevated meals are effortless!  If you enjoy gnocchi take a look at some delicious recipe ideas: what is good gnocchi.

Oils / Vinegars: In addition to coating a pan when sautéing, oil is an ideal dressing for green and pasta salads. Whisk olive oil with vinegar, lemon juice , and salt and pepper to taste when you want to add a fresh, zesty bite to your salad!

Eggs: Eggs are pretty versatile, whether this ingredient steals the show like in this Loaded Breakfast Skillet, tops a salad or simply binds your baked goods or burgers together. They can be stored in the pantry for 7 to 10 days but will stay good in the fridge anywhere from 30 to 45 days. Kitchen Tip: If you aren’t sure if your eggs are fresh, there is a simple way to find out. Fill a clear bowl with water and gently drop an egg in. If it sinks and lays flat, it’s fresh. if it hits the bottom but stands up vertically, it can still be used. In fact, some chefs prefer using these older eggs for hard-boiling. When eggs float, they should be tossed.

Gnocchi: Though potatoes are typically found on pantry staple lists, they still require a fair amount of prep work. Skip right past the washing, peeling, and cutting by opting for a filling and flavourful option that cooks up in just 2 minutes! In fact, once you understand just how versatile gnocchi can be, you’ll surely keep several varieties on hand.

Pastas/Grains: Pasta and grains serve as satisfying bases that keep your family full and energized. With limitless combinations of mixing and matching sauces and pastas, you’ll never hear complaints about eating the same meal from family members.

Let’s go through some delicious dishes to add to your recipe repertoire. How much time do you have?

Asparagus and Red Pepper Linguine

Perfect Pasta Dinners 

When you’re looking for homemade pasta without the hassle, let Olivieri® do the heavy lifting. Freshly cut pasta offers ideal tenderness with an unbeatable texture that will take any dish to the next level. What’s more, it cooks up faster than dry pasta – perfect for a quick bite!

5 minutes: Whip up this colorful Asparagus and Red Pepper Linguine in minutes. Mix things up by letting the kids choose their favourite vegetables. 

10 minutes: After a long day, opt for a classic dish that you know the entire family will enjoy: this 3-ingredient Angel Hair and Meatballs with Tomato Basil Sauce is always a hit. 

15 minutes: Elevate your plate with 100% Canadian braised beef in a luxurious au jus sauce. Kids won’t turn their noses because they will simply see Beef Ravioli with Chunky Tomato Basil Sauce, while the adults around the table will surely appreciate the decadence. 

20 minutes: Nutty and aromatic, Butternut Squash Ravioli with Brown Butter and Sage has just the right amount of sweetness to satisfy the little ones!

Butternut Squash Ravioli with Brown Butter and Sage

Tasty Gnocchi Meals

With Olivieri®, gnocchi that would make Nonna proud is easier than ever. Tender on the outside and crispy on the inside, skillet gnocchi is as diverse as it is delicious.

5 minutes: Cook up this quick Parmesan and Garlic Skillet Gnocchi as a filling and flavourful side to serve alongside chicken and a vegetable. 

12 mins: Preparing pescatarian plates at home like this Quick Garlic Shrimp with Skillet Gnocchi is a cinch just as long as you remember to defrost frozen seafood. Though it takes a bit longer to prepare, you can quickly defrost shrimp by placing it in a colander and running cold water overtop for 10-20 minutes. All is not lost If you find yourself with frozen shrimp just before mealtime.   

15 minutes: Craving something creamy? With just 3 ingredients, this cheesy Alfredo Gnocchi with Crumbled Blue Cheese will leave you satisfied! If the little ones aren’t fans of tangy cheeses, cook up a surefire One Skillet Gnocchi & Sausage Supper for a balanced meal with minimal cleanup!   

Alfredo Gnocchi with Crumbled Blue Cheese

Satisfying Salads (and Pasta Salads!) 

Get your veggie fix with satisfying meals by tossing leafy greens and pillowy gnocchi together: the best of worlds! Besides, you can customize the ratio of leafy greens to crispy gnocchi to your liking. 

2 minutes: That’s right, Olivieri® Fresh Potato Gnocchi cooks up in just 2 minutes so you can make meals in no-time. For an effortless Gnocchi Pasta Salad, simply combine bocconcini pearls, cherry tomatoes, and fresh pesto. 

5 mins: Tasty toppings take salads to the next level. Light yet satisfying, this Lemon Maple Skillet Gnocchi Salad is packed with both zesty and sweet notes! Sprinkle crispy gnocchi on your favourite leafy greens for a more filling meal.

10 mins: If you can spare a few more minutes in the kitchen, try this Skillet Gnocchi Salad With Walnuts – note how the handcrafted dressing complements the savoury cold cuts, peppery arugula, and tangy cheeses.

Put food on the table in a matter of minutes with some help from Olivieri®. Preparing homestyle meals keeps everyone in the family happy and makes Nonna proud!